Episode 17 - Moxie


2021's "Moxie", directed by Amy Poehler, tells the story of a bunch of contemporary teens engaging in some Revolution Grrl Style after one of the characters get inspired by her Mom's collection of riot grrl records and zines. Joining Kevin and Mike to discuss the film is Kevin's wife Emilie to provide some background on the whole riot grrl scene. There's not a ton of skateboarding in this one, but pro skater Nico Hiraga plays the skateboarding romantic interest. Throw some Bikini Kill records on the turntable, break out some old fanzines, and download our latest episode.

Podbean: Moxie
Spotify: Listen here!
Apple: Go get it!

Stuff Kevin’s Been Doing:

Dragoncon’s American Sci-Fi Classics Track Fictional Battle of the Bands: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVyoY_SR_SU

Earth Station One Podcast: WandaVision: https://www.earthstationone.com/wandavision

Theme music is by Kissing Kontest


Episode 18 - Hardflip


Episode 16 - MVP 2: Most Vertical Primate