Episode 22 - The Simpsons Movie


2007's "The Simpsons Movie" took the beloved television program to the big screen - Kevin and Mike chat about how the movie compares to the show, engage in the time-honored tradition of figuring out when the show stopped being as great as it was at its height, and work in some skateboarding talk both around Bart's big skating moment in the movie and around Simpsons guest star and all-around legend Tony Hawk. Join us for the best of times and the blurst of times for one of the greatest shows to ever air and its good-but-not-great movie adaptation!

Spotify: Listen here!
Apple: Go get it!

Theme music is by Kissing Kontest

Kevin was a guest on the strange and wonderful podcast The Flopcast this week, talking about 90s concerts in Providence, RI! Go check it out!


Episode 23 - North Hollywood


Episode 21 - City Hunter