Episode 34 - The Amazing Spider-Man
2012's The Amazing Spider-Man may not be the most beloved cinematic outing of the popular comic book hero but it's the only Spider-Man movie that has our Friendly Neighborhood crime fighter doing some sweet kickflips on a skateboard. This time out Kevin and Mike are joined by special guests Joe Crowe (co-director of Dragon Con's American Science Fiction Classics Track) and ToniAnn Marini (of the Geeky Devil blog) to discuss all things related to Spidey on film, with a focus on this first Andrew Garfield film and his skateboarding stunt double William Spencer. Face it, tiger - you’ve just hit the jackpot!
Spotify: Listen here!
Apple: Go get it!
Theme music is by Kissing Kontest
Kevin and Mike’s “Moonlighting” podcast, Let’s Get Chatty About David & Maddie, is here: moonlightingpodcast.com
Joe Crowe can be found at the Facebook page for the Dragon Con American Science Fiction Classics Track!
ToniAnn Marini’s blog: The Geeky Devil
Check out the article Mike mentioned about Spidey’s skateboarding stunt double here: THE REAL SPIDER-MAN SKATEBOARDING