Episode 37 - Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

2010’s SCOTT PILGRIM VS THE WORLD, directed by EDGAR WRIGHT and based on the graphic novels by Bryan Lee O’Malley, presents us with the adventures of Michael Cera’s slacker musician Scott Pilgrim - who discovers that in order to win the heart of foxy new girl in Toronto Ramona Flowers he must fight and defeat her seven evil exes in combat!

Kevin and Mike are joined by Preston Masterson from KISSING KONTEST (who, among other things, does the music for Gleaming the Tube!) to discuss the film, the comics, the skateboarding character Lucas Lee, and weird insular music scenes like you find in the film and in our collective hometown of Providence, RI.

Be sure to stay tuned to the very end to hear an unreleased KISSING KONTEST cover of Sex Bob-Omb's "Summertime", from the film. We are Gleaming the Tube and we are here to make you think about movies and skateboarding and music scenes and stuff!

Spotify: Listen here!
Apple: Go get it!

Theme music is by Kissing Kontest

Kevin and Mike’s “Moonlighting” podcast, Let’s Get Chatty About David & Maddie, is here: moonlightingpodcast.com


Episode 38 - Pretty in Pink


Episode 36 - Jackass Forever