Episode 28 - The Skateboard Wiz (1978 episode of Wonder Woman)


We're breaking format a little bit this week and discussing an episode of a tv show instead of a movie but we think you'll feel it's justified: Kevin Eldridge from The Flopcast joins Kevin and Mike to chat about "The Skateboard Wiz", from the third season of Wonder Woman, which finds the amazing Amazon (played by Lynda Carter, who is unimpeachably great in the role) investigating an underground gambling ring, making enormous leaps in the air, and generally being great. And it all climaxes in a skateboard chase complete with Wonder Woman's special skateboarding outfit. Add in a creepy subplot about a degenerate gambler trying to get a teenage girl to count cards for him, secret doors, and a skateboard contest and you've got a prime example of late 70s action television nonsense.
Spotify: Listen here!
Apple: Go get it!

You can hear Kevin Eldridge talk about weird old pop culture and other strangeness every week on The Flopcast!

Theme music is by Kissing Kontest

Kevin and Mike’s “Moonlighting” podcast, Let’s Get Chatty About David & Maddie, is here: moonlightingpodcast.com


Episode 29 - A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child


Episode 27 - The Search for Animal Chin & Bones Brigade: An Autobiography