Episode 29 - A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child

A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child finds the be-sweatered nightmare killer Freddy Krueger attempting to enter people's dreams through the unborn child of Alice the Dream Master. We think. The movie doesn't make a ton of sense but Freddy does briefly ride a skateboard in one sequence which is why we're covering it on our show. Beth VanDusen from the great podcast EXECUTE CHAPTER 66 joins Kevin and Mike to figure out where this entry fits into the overall Elm Street canon but wind up spending half the episode discussing the Kool Moe Dee/LL Cool J rap feud instead.

Podbean: A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child
Spotify: Listen here!
Apple: Go get it!

You can hear Beth VanDusen on her great “Star Wars” podcast here: EXECUTE CHAPTER 66

Theme music is by Kissing Kontest

Kevin and Mike’s “Moonlighting” podcast, Let’s Get Chatty About David & Maddie, is here: moonlightingpodcast.com


Episode 30 - Grind


Episode 28 - The Skateboard Wiz (1978 episode of Wonder Woman)